I think my desensitization is waning. I used to be able to watch Bones, and did ALL the time, without getting too creeped/grossed out. But the other night I watched the mid-season finale for the current season after not watching the show for months and I was really disturbed, to the point where I couldn't sleep that night. I guess it's a good thing that serial killers disturb me, but apparently I can't handle that show anymore. At least not if there are going to be more episodes like that one!
And also, I think they've taken the characters about as far as they can go. Things have sort of stagnated on that show, which is really unfortunate because the characters are why I keep coming back.
Yeah I agree the characters are what make this show. i have a friend who studied anthropology and she never like the show for all its inconsistencies and how the show is not just about the case but the people and their lives, but that’s what I loved about it. I also had a problem with a few of the episodes but it would be hard to let go of the show because I have loved watching the actor David Boreanaz since I was in middle school. (I think he is by far the best in this show)